What is the Christmas Elf Tradition?

Say hello to the Christmas Elves – with cute little faces, dinky clothes and festive striped jumper and tights, the Elves are brimming with Christmas charm. Behind this cheeky little face is Sarah, a mum of two, who wanted to provide a magical Christmas tradition for her children in the form of an Elf for Christmas.
But who is the Elf for Christmas? We know they love cookies and playing games. More importantly, our Christmas Elf is really good at watching children’s behaviour and reporting back to Santa. Christmas Elves are also quite good at causing a bit of mischief during the night when no one is watching, so please beware!
Start your own modern family Christmas Elf tradition and bring fun, magic and adventure to your home year after year by adopting your own Elf for Christmas. It’s the perfect way to make magical memories for the little people in your life.
December will never be the same again!
Why Do We Have an Elf for Christmas?
Elf usually arrives on December 1st, sent on a special mission from the North Pole and instructed by Santa Claus to keep an eye on behaviour in the lead up to Christmas. Your Elf toy comes with a complete Christmas Elf Magical Reward Kit box to help you create fun and magic, while making sure your little ones believe. We will send your Elf and Magical Reward Kit box out once ordered. It’s up to you to get your Christmas Elf out and set up on December 1st, or whenever you think best.
Once Elf has arrived, you are now under Elf Surveillance.
How Does the Christmas Elf Tradition Work?
Each night mum, dad, carer, teacher, or whoever is in charge of the Elf sets up the mischief. Our Christmas Elves have been known to spill breakfast cereal, play with toys, climb up the Christmas tree, leave footprints across the hall, scatter underwear around the house, paint mum’s nails with funny patterns, wrap things up with loo roll and much worse!
Luckily, there will be some days where you’ll find your Elf has been kind and helpful. Sometimes, the Elf might set the breakfast table, wash the dishes or even do the laundry.
Elves can also suggest “kindness activities” you can do as a family in the run up to Christmas. We will share ideas on our blog about “kindness ideas,” which could include baking for an elderly relative, visiting a neighbour or donating a Christmas gift to charity. Elf may leave a note to encourage this kind of behaviour – it’s up to you. You can make Elf as kind and helpful or as mischievous as you like!
You never know what Elf will do next!
What is in My Christmas Elf Kit?
Your Christmas Elf Toy arrives in a box with a welcome letter, explaining Elf’s role in your home. Elf brings a behaviour chart, a sheet of stickers, Elf Report Cards and two Nice List Certificates that can be used to reward good behaviour. There is also Beware of the Elf signs for your door in case for any overnight mischief, plus a Thank You postcard you can use in January to continue the magic.
But Elf has more! Two blank Letters to Santa Claus are also included, ready to post off to the Big Man himself, as well as a Goodbye Letter for when it’s time for Elf to go back to the North Pole. The Christmas Elf Kit is designed for a family with two children (some items are shared).
We will supply you with lots of ideas and antics that your Elf can get up to each day. If you register your information, we will send you unique personalised emails directly to your children or class, straight from Santa Claus, with information that your Elf has learnt about you.
It really is magic! All you need to do is believe it!
What Happens to Elf After Christmas?
An Elf for Christmas is just for Christmas. On Christmas Eve you can pack away Elf in his box until next year. Or as you tell the children – Elves need to go back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve to join their friends in sweeping up the leftover wrapping paper and start the toymaking for next year!
Elf will leave you with a Goodbye Note for your children on Christmas Eve. To keep the Elf magic alive throughout the year, we have personalised postcards that can be sent to you. Try them for a special birthday, or as a reminder to be good over the holidays.
Start your own family Christmas Elf Tradition with Elf for Christmas!